Heading North-Central this time at Easy Tiger (not the downtown location).
The initial size-up and radio report of the first-arriving company at an incident scene is one of the most important actions undertaken by the officer of that company. This initial interpretation of conditions and action plan set the tone, tempo, and volume of the entire first alarm. A poor evaluation and response to conditions can often yield a negative outcome for the entire operation. Whats your definition of a size up, when does it began and what is included. Every officer bears the responsibility of the initial size up and action plan, regardless what your rank or experience is you must posses the ability to size up and incident with your particular function in mind.
Join your Lone star F.O.O.L.S. this Sunday August 4th at 1030 am at Easy Tiger 6406 N Interstate 35 Frontage Rd Suite 1100, Austin, TX 78752.
Think about the above questions presented in the text. What does a size up mean to you and your relative rank. when does the size up start and what do you include. Also lets talk about how you start your day the moment you get on the job. What does your take over look like and is this part of your size up?
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July Sermon
Later Event: September 8
September Sermon